Thursday, July 25, 2013

Wanna be one stroke flowers - first attempt

Hey girls!

While I'm conscientiously doing my nails for this Saturday's collaboration I thought I'd show you in the meantime my first attempt at the one stroke technique. You can create amazing designs with this technique so I've started timidly to practice, but as you can see I still have a lot of work to do until I reach perfection but Rome wasn't built in a day neither.
În vreme ce eu îmi pregătesc conștiincios manichiura pentru colaborarea de Sâmbăta asta, m-am gândit ca între timp să vă arăt prima mea încercare de a realiza modele cu tehnica one stroke.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Summer blues (take two)

Hello ladies!

Today I wanted to do a really quick post with a friends' manicure, buuuut then I've realised that this is my 100th post!! I was thinking the other day what to do, what to say, if something special is required. Well, today I'm facing the facts and it seems that I can't find my words. What I can say is that I'm glad I achieved this number and it feels like the most natural thing, it's a habbit that I enjoy doing and working on a post isn't something extraordinarly difficult, it only requires time and dedication towards this project and you after all, so there's no point in complaining about my tremendous efforts or about the sleepless nights. The work doesn't count, it's a pleasure and this blog will exist as long as it will remain so ^^
Astăzi vroiam să fac o postare scurtă cu manichiura unei prietene, daaar mi-am dat seama că aceasta este de fapt postarea cu numărul 100!!

Saturday, July 20, 2013


Hello girls!

What's cookin' this weekend? Hope you're enjoying this beautiful weather. ^^ And maybe what I'm about to tell you will make you stop what you're doing for a moment and just breathe and enjoy the sun and everything around you because you are alive and that only, it's a beautiful thing.
Ce coaceți weekend-ul acesta? Sper că vă bucurați din plin de vremea asta frumoasă.^^ Si poate că ceea ce urmează să vă spun o să vă facă să vă opriți un moment, și doar să vă bucurați de soare și de tot ce e în jurul vostru, pentru că sunteți vii și asta numai, e un lucru minunat. 

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

KKCenterHk Review - Vintage roses vs. studs

Hello ladies!

Though we have like the worst weather for this time of year I'm actually pretty excited because I love love looove how my mani turned out! And that is certainly a mood changer ^^

Deși avem cea mai urâtă vreme posibilă pentru această perioadă, eu totuși sunt foarte încântată deoarece îmi place mult de tot cum mi-a ieșit manichiura! Și acest lucru poate, cu siguranță, să-mi schimbe starea de spirit.^^
It's the first time I've worked with shading and highlighting and I'm very pleased with the result. I'm sure that with more practice the designs will look even better.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Spiked buttercup

Hey girls!

I wonder how you've been lately! I for one missed blogging and doing nails of course, it has been too long since I've done some nail art and I kinda miss it. But today I won't be showing you any of that! Instead you'll be seeing a gorgeous shade of yellow (which I think it's perfect for summer).

Mă întreb ce ați mai făcut în ultima vreme! Mie mi-a fost dor de blog și de făcut unghii. A trecut destul de mult timp de când n-am mai făcut nici un model și totuși astăzi nu vă voi arăta nimic de felul acesta. În schimb veți vedea o nuanță superbă de galben (care cred eu, că e perfectă pentru vară).
The yellow shade is Astor - Yellow Buttercup #240 and you need two coats to reach full coverage but because the polish it's rather thick I've used a layer of white polish then one layer of this beauty. To spice things up a little I've used some triangle shaped studs, which I just love. They're black and perfect!