Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Tropical sunset

Hey girls!

How's your week so far? Mine has been eventless, just movie marathons and a lot of gym - yeah I'm getting in shape for winter :)) I'm a paradox, summer didn't motivate me maybe getting back to school will. Anyways let's get back to why were here - a new manicure from the Mish Mash Challenge.
Cum v-ați petrecut săptămâna până acum? A mea a fost cam lipsită de evenimente, doar câteva maratoane de filme și multă sală - aha vreau să fiu în formă pentru iarnă :)) sunt un paradox, vara nu m-a motivat prea tare, poate începutul facultății va fi suficient.
Să ne întoarcem la ce suntem de fapt aici și anume o nouă manichiură din Provocarea Alandala.
I've missed last week's theme, unfortunately I couldn't find any inspiration, I've tried a couple of times and nothing good came out so I gave up. On the other hand this week's theme - hot - was a lot easier and what could've been hotter than orange hues? I've always wanted to try out this tropical sunset gradient that has been floating around the internet, so I went straight to bussiness and I'm not saying this is an original design, it is actually the first time I'm recreating someone else's manicure.

Am ratat tema de săptămâna trecută, din nefericire n-am avut nici un pic de inspirație. Am încercat de vreo doua ori dar n-a ieșit nimic bun și atunci am renunțat. Pe de altă parte, tema de săptămâna aceasta - căldură  - a fost mult mai ușoară și ce putea fi mai fierbinte decât nuanțele de portocaliu? De multă vreme voiam să încerc acest apus de soare tropical cu degradé care circulă pe internet așa că, m-am pus pe treabă, nu spun că e un model original, e de fapt prima dată când recreez manichiura altcuiva.
I followed One Nail To Rule Them All's tutorial, but did things a little bit different: I've used acrylic paints for the gradient (I remebered why I don't do gradients more often - they're so messy) and I think I'll be sticking to the nail polishes when doing them - it's a lot easier; nevertheless I like how this gradient turned out. Also my palm trees are fluffier than those on the tutorial, I did the leaves on both sides of the branches but I still think they turned out cute after all. I hope you like this design as much as I do! I know that summer is gone and this is more apropiate for warmer temperatures, it's a nice remainder though.

Am urmărit tutorialul de pe One Nail To Rule Them All, dar am făcut lucrurile puțin diferit: am folosit culori acrilice pentru degradé (mi-am amintit de ce nu fac degradé-uri mai des - te mânjești toată) și cred că voi rămâne la ojă atunci când le voi face - e mult mai ușor; cu toate acestea îmi place cum a ieșit acum. Am făcut palmierii putin mai pufoși decât cei din tutorial, am făcut frunze pe ambele parți ale crengilor dar cred că arată drăguț și așa. Sper că vă place acest model la fel de mult ca și mie! Deși vara a trecut și această manichiură e mai potrivită pentru temperaturi mai calde, cred totuși că e o amintire plăcută.

P.S. I recommend you use a thicker top coat on this or two coats of your regular one. / Vă recomand să folosiți un lac transparent mai vâscos sau două straturi din cel obișnuit

Thanks for reading!


  1. wow, au iesit superbe ♥♥♥♥

  2. Can I come and sit under the palms sipping a cold drink, please ;)
    It's beautiful!!

  3. Foarte frumoase si tropicale :)

  4. super! Ai reusit sa surprinzi apusul pe unghiutele tale!

    1. Mersi! Da, as fi vrut sa prind vara si sa ramana :(

  5. This was incredibly gorgeous! :D I can't believe you free-handed that, you're so amazingly skilled! :) <3

  6. aiaiaiai cat de geniale sunt!!!

  7. ohh these are very beautifully painted palms! the design is so bright and hot :)

  8. It looks perfect! :D I love your nails, really! And yeah, you're a paradox but you can also say you're getting ready for next summer :p you're just ahead of the game!

    1. Thanks! And I haven't thought about that :)) let's just hope I'll stick to my new found routine

  9. Your nails are gorgeous!!! I really want to be there now))

  10. Love it. Wishing I had a pina colada now. :)

    1. Thanks! It would go perfectly under the palm trees :)

  11. Gorgeous!!! I want to live on your nails!! Just paint me under a palm tree with a pina colada in my hand!

  12. Love it! You did a fantastic job!

  13. Beautiful! Definitely makes me miss summer at the beach

  14. These look fabulous - and I love your palm trees. Reminds me of Hawaii...perfect.

  15. So well done that it seems a postcard!
    Thank you for your comment on my blog :-)

  16. Sigh...this makes me want to be in Hawaii right now...sigh...:)

  17. You did great Roxy! Fortunately it's still good weather over here so I'm not crying to pieces after looking at your nails ROFL!

    1. Thanks, well you're lucky then, here it feels like autumn already :(

  18. That is so incredible well done! I love it :)

  19. I love, love, love this! Very tropical and HOT!

  20. Hi! great blog!
    I'll surely follow you. I'll be glad if you follow me too )

  21. Gorgeous manicure! <3

  22. Holy gorgeous!!! I actually did these too a while back they were too awesome not to try! LOL Yours came out freaking fantastic! You are so talented lady!! Love this! :)


Thank you for your comment and support! Just know, you've put a smile on my face ^_^
If you have any questions, suggestions or even some constructive criticism I would be happy to hear you out, here, or more privately through the contact section.
Have a lovely day!