Wednesday, November 13, 2013

(Ro-only) Skincare throughout winter

Salutare fete dragi!

Putem spune că am avut până acum o toamnă capricioasă, care ori ne ademenea cu temperaturi primăvăratice, ori ne reamintea că iarna, "draga de ea", își așteaptă cuminte rândul. Ei bine, calendaristic vorbind ne apropiem de sezonul rece, cel pe care pielea noastră nu-l prea agreează. Nu știu câte din cele care-mi citiți blogul sunteți pasionate de beauty și îngrijire așa că o să tratez subiectul cât mai aprofundat posibil, fără să fie însă prea plictisitor.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Golden Rose Review - Ice cold texture

Hi lovelies!

Today, is a historical day! It's the day I fell in love with textured polishes! I know...I hopped in the wagon a little too late, since they created quite a stir a while back. But as usual in my country, they became available only recently. So thanks to Golden Rose Romania I could finally test them.
Azi, e o zi istorică! E ziua în care m-am îndrăgostit de ojele texturate! Știu că m-am trezit cam târziu..hop și eu, deși acestea au făcut furori acum ceva timp. Dar, ca de obicei în țărișoara noastră dragă au apărut doar recent. Si, datorită celor de la Golden Rose Romania am putut și eu într-un final să le testez.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Some seasonal purple

Hey there, pretty ladies!

We meet again so soon! The reason is my friend D. who asked me to do her nails. I willingly agreed ^^ To comply to her needs (nothing fancy or to much she said) I did only an accent nail.
But first let me praise the base color: Rimmel London - Sir, yes sir! #625, it's a creamy deep purple and the application goes smoothly 'cause it has a wide brush and it dries very quicly...what more can we ask from a nail polish, right?

Saturday, November 2, 2013

T.P.A. Playful lights

Hei girls!

I'm so missing this! Posting, doing nail art and speaking with you guys through comments but I knew this was coming so I'm just trying to get used to it. Today's manicure should have been up on blog since last Saturday so I hope the girls from the Polish Addict group would receive my sincerest apologies - I was really swamped with school projects and courses and everything was hectic...
The theme from The Polish Addict Group Challenge was inspired by your favourite quote and my personal favourite is Be the best version of yourself! wich should be a happier self with a high self esteem and confidence. In one word a brilliant self!