Sunday, June 28, 2015

Feisty red

Hello ladies!

I can't believe I've managed to post 8 times this month, with exams and all! The key ingredient to constant posting is planning ahead. Oh yes, I've discovered the big secret! I always have one or two manicures ready to go on the blog before the one I'm curently wearing. So that gives me a little bit of wiggle room in case I'm not in the mood for nails or my design doesn't turn out to be "blog worthy". It really takes away the stress of not having what to post in the mentioned cases.
So this is a color that looks really gorgeous in the bottle but not particularly on my nails. It's really smooth and an easy one coater. It also has a nice shine, I can't really complain. It's a vibrant color perfect for summer. Oh, right, I'm talking about Farmasi #46
Would you wear such a shade? What combos come to mind when you look at it? I struck out :)

Have a gorgeous week!
With love, R.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Not so perfect dotticure

Hello polished friends!

Today is a special day! It's the 200th post on my blog! Yeey! Although I should've reached this number a while ago, I'm happy to be here now :) And even though my manicures don't always turn up as I want them to, I will still try. Because this is my creative outlet and a way to "blow off some steam" and I will keep doing it as long as it is a pleasure, no matter what others think...because I do have my fair share of not so approving comments that were said along the way.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Stamping fail

Hello ladies! was bound to happen! Although I don't like to post manicures that I'm not fully satisfied with, today I made an exception. Having to study for exams, my time is "precious". And eh... I didn't get the chance to re-do the whole manicure. So here it not so perfect nails :)

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Perfect summer nails


[EN] - I don't know about you, but I'm loving these summer days! I don't mind the heat, I love it! I wish I could live in a never-ending summer . Okay, enough of that...lets talk naaails! I seriously can't get enough of this color/nail polish. You can see it in Summer blues and reviewed in Negative space trend (fun fact: the last time I wore this nail polish was during my exams session, just like now). Anyways, I say it's a must have for this summer.

[Ro] - Salutare fete dragi! Nu ştiu voi, dar eu iubesc zilele de vară! Nu mă deranjează căldura deloc, aş trăi într-un loc unde e vară mereu. Eh... să revenim la oile noastre şi să vorbim despre unghii! Trebuie să recunosc, nu mă pot sătura de această ojă/culoare. O puteţi vedea în Summer blues şi în Negative space trend unde i-am făcut şi o recenzie. Tocmai mi-am dat seama că ultima dată cȃnd am purtat această ojă, eram tot în sesiune ca şi acum :)) se vede la ce îmi stă mie capul. Vă recomand o asemenea ojă în colecţie, nu veţi regreta.

Friday, June 12, 2015

Cute stamping combo

Hello my polished friends! 

[EN] - I'm excited about today's manicure, it's so summery and pretty! Yeah, modest me, but actually I cannot take credit for it, because all the merits go to the Moyou London Pro XL Collection, plate 14 (see review here). All I did was pick the colors :)

[Ro] - Buna fetelor! Azi sunt incantata sa va prezint o manichiura super draguta si de vara. Da, modesta de mine, insa nu pot sa-mi asum meritele, deoarece nu as fi putut-o realiza fara placuta cu numarul 14 din colectia Pro XL Collection, Moyou London (puteti vedea un review aici)

Monday, June 8, 2015

Born Pretty Store Review - Delicate pearls

Hello my dears!

[EN] - I hope you're well and happy! I'm not so much, there are a few exams coming my way so this month will be intense for me. But rest assured, I've got the blog covered with manicures prepared in advance :) Today, let's discuss about nail art accessories, 3D in particular. What are your thoughts about them?

[Ro] - Buna fete dragi! Sper ca sunteti bine si fericite! Eu trebuie sa recunosc, fericita nu prea sunt. Urmeaza o perioada grea, plina de examene, dar fiti linistite, nu voi lipsi de pe blog deoarece am manichiuri pregatite in avans :) Asadar, sa vorbim azi despre accesorii pentru unghii, cele 3D mai exact. Ce parere aveti despre ele?

Thursday, June 4, 2015


Hello ladies!

[EN] - Summer days are finally upon us! Are you prepared? Color and fashion wise...with hot, vibrant ones? If not you should really think about it. This season is perfect for crazy bold colors, prints, color blocking everything is allowed, isn't it? I'm so excited!

[Ro] - Zilele de vara au sosit in sfarsit! Sunteti pregatite fetelor? Iar, in ceea ce priveste culorile si hainele...v-ati inarmat cu nuante vibrante si puternice? Daca nu, ar trebui sa va ganditi la acest aspect. E sezonul in care totul e permis, culori si printuri nebunatice, combinatii indraznete, puneti-va imaginatia la lucru! Eu una, sunt entuziasmata!

Monday, June 1, 2015

Noutati de la Oriflame

Salutare fetelor!

*Romanian only

Azi doresc să vă surprind cu un nou tip de postare - o discuţie aşa ca între prietene, despre produse cosmetice, bineînţeles. Sunt sigură că s-a mai întȃmplat ca în pauzele de cafea, sau la o întȃlnire cu fetele să discutaţi despre produsul x sau y, sau v-aţi pus în temă cu ultimele noutăţi ale unui brand anume. Ei bine, eu vreau să vă povestesc despre noutăţile lunii Iunie de la Oriflame.

Recunosc, nu sunt o "impătimită" a cosmeticelor, deşi poate am mai multe decat se consideră a fi necesare (la capitolul oje, cu siguranţă!). Încerc să îmi iau doar ce am nevoie, şi îmi place să fiu atentă la ingrediente în ultima vreme, cel puţin la produsele destinate îngrijirii tenului. Mai jos vă prezint produsele care mă tenteaza pe mine dintre noutăţile de vară cu care s-a pregătit Oriflame.