Thursday, July 25, 2013

Wanna be one stroke flowers - first attempt

Hey girls!

While I'm conscientiously doing my nails for this Saturday's collaboration I thought I'd show you in the meantime my first attempt at the one stroke technique. You can create amazing designs with this technique so I've started timidly to practice, but as you can see I still have a lot of work to do until I reach perfection but Rome wasn't built in a day neither.
În vreme ce eu îmi pregătesc conștiincios manichiura pentru colaborarea de Sâmbăta asta, m-am gândit ca între timp să vă arăt prima mea încercare de a realiza modele cu tehnica one stroke.
Modelele ce se pot realiza cu această tehnică sunt superbe așa că, am început și eu timid să exersez, după cum vedeți mai am mult de lucru până la perfecțiune, dar nici Roma nu s-a construit într-o zi. 
For this design I've used a random white base but make sure you choose a creamy one. Then I started doing the flowers with my acrylic paints which I reviewed >here<. At the end I added two layers of top-coat for more shine and to seal the design - when working with acrylics that's a must.

Pentru acest model am folosit o bază albă oarecare, dar asigurați-vă că alegeți una cremoasă. Mai apoi am făcut acele flori cu vopselele acrilice pe care le-am prezentat >aici<. La sfârșit am adăugat două straturi de lac transparent pentru mai multă strălucire și pentru a sigila modelul - când lucrăm cu acrilice acest lucru e obligatoriu.

So this is it for today, thanks for reading!


  1. Wow! This is so beautiful!! Your flowers are just perfect for the first attempt!

  2. Very beautiful design! I'm yet to try the technique :)

  3. Oooh very pretty!!! Great Job ;)

  4. Este absolut superba! Nu am cuvinte!

  5. Very beautiful! I really like them!

  6. Cat poate sa imi placa modelul tau. Arata minunat!

  7. Aiaiai!! Ce model frumos, stii ca imi place tare mult, nu? :X

    1. Multumesc Madalina :*

      Carla, ma bucur tare mult ca iti place :*

  8. I think it´s great work for the first attempt! it´s very beautiful

  9. This is totally gorgeous - I love it, it's so well pained!

  10. Superb arata! Imi place mult.

  11. so pretty :) youre very creative

  12. Oh Doamne, prima incercare?! Ti-au iesit superb!!!
    Eu nu imi cumpar acrilice fiindca mi-e si teama sa incerc, o sa-mi iasa dinozauri.. :))

  13. Hey,
    beautiful design! :)

  14. Mie chiar imi place cum ti-a iesit, arata chiar super! :)

  15. Thank you so much girls for your appreciations <3


Thank you for your comment and support! Just know, you've put a smile on my face ^_^
If you have any questions, suggestions or even some constructive criticism I would be happy to hear you out, here, or more privately through the contact section.
Have a lovely day!