Hello ladies!
Long time no see! Hope you're still here with me! Today I have for you a floral design, it's part of the 31 weeks collaboration and the theme is as you've probably guessed flowers. It was supposed to be an easy theme but let me tell you I've redone my nails like three times because I wasn't satisfied with the result. Well, it happens but I hope to get out of this "uninspired" phase as soon as possible.
Sper ca mai sunteti aici cu mine, desi a trecut ceva vreme! Azi am pentru voi un model floral care face parte din colaborarea de 31 de saptamani. Tema, dupa cum poate ati ghicit e flori.
Sunday, March 31, 2013
Monday, March 25, 2013
Chocolate with golden flakes - And I'm new on twitter!
Hello pretty ladies!
Hope you're starting your week with good thoughts and good humour! I think Monday is the least favourite day of the week for everybody but let's try to make the best of it though. ^^ I have for you some chocolate nails. ♥ I'm currently wearing them for three days now and I don't want to take them off and that's rare 'cause usually after a day or two I get bored but not of these nails. I love them!
Sper că vă începeți săptămâna cu cele mai frumoase gânduri și bună dispoziție Cred că pentru toată lumea, ziua de luni e cea mai "neplăcuta" dar să încercăm totuși să o facem mai agreabila. ^^
Hope you're starting your week with good thoughts and good humour! I think Monday is the least favourite day of the week for everybody but let's try to make the best of it though. ^^ I have for you some chocolate nails. ♥ I'm currently wearing them for three days now and I don't want to take them off and that's rare 'cause usually after a day or two I get bored but not of these nails. I love them!
Sper că vă începeți săptămâna cu cele mai frumoase gânduri și bună dispoziție Cred că pentru toată lumea, ziua de luni e cea mai "neplăcuta" dar să încercăm totuși să o facem mai agreabila. ^^
Saturday, March 23, 2013
Emerald treasure - Collaboration
Hello pretty ladies!
It's that time of the week when a lot of ladies gather and share pretty manicure ideas. For today's theme we have green nails. If you follow me on Facebook you could see there a few emerald hues that I love. I was searching for the perfect one, I haven't found it yet so I settled for this one. Below you'll find a tutorial on how to achieve this design if you like it.
E acea parte a săptămânii când o grămadă de fete se strâng și împărtășesc idei de manichiuri frumoase. Pentru tema de azi avem unghii verzi.
It's that time of the week when a lot of ladies gather and share pretty manicure ideas. For today's theme we have green nails. If you follow me on Facebook you could see there a few emerald hues that I love. I was searching for the perfect one, I haven't found it yet so I settled for this one. Below you'll find a tutorial on how to achieve this design if you like it.
E acea parte a săptămânii când o grămadă de fete se strâng și împărtășesc idei de manichiuri frumoase. Pentru tema de azi avem unghii verzi.
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Tribal, chevrons or just stripes?
Hei girls!
I'm back with a new manicure! Easy to do and yet catchy 'cause it has two accent nails. ^^ Maybe you've grown tired of seeing mint greens for the past few posts but seriously I can get enough of it and it's a sure thing you'll be seeing them some more. For this mani I've combined it with black, a harsh combination you may say but let's think the other way around and say that it sweetens the black.
M-am întors cu o nouă manichiură! Ușor de realizat dar totuși interesantă, pentru că are două unghii accent. ^^
I'm back with a new manicure! Easy to do and yet catchy 'cause it has two accent nails. ^^ Maybe you've grown tired of seeing mint greens for the past few posts but seriously I can get enough of it and it's a sure thing you'll be seeing them some more. For this mani I've combined it with black, a harsh combination you may say but let's think the other way around and say that it sweetens the black.
M-am întors cu o nouă manichiură! Ușor de realizat dar totuși interesantă, pentru că are două unghii accent. ^^
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Twirled french
Today I have for you a french manicure with a twist - it's super colorful and fun ^^ It's not hard to achieve this look but you need a little bit of patience and some regular french strips. Below you'll find some explicative photos on how you should do it. Now let's see what I'm talking about:
Azi am pentru voi o manichiură french mai neobișnuită - e foarte colorată și veselă. ^^ Nu e greu de executat dar aveți nevoie de puțină răbdare și de niște benzi speciale pentru acest tip de manichiură.
Today I have for you a french manicure with a twist - it's super colorful and fun ^^ It's not hard to achieve this look but you need a little bit of patience and some regular french strips. Below you'll find some explicative photos on how you should do it. Now let's see what I'm talking about:
Azi am pentru voi o manichiură french mai neobișnuită - e foarte colorată și veselă. ^^ Nu e greu de executat dar aveți nevoie de puțină răbdare și de niște benzi speciale pentru acest tip de manichiură.
Monday, March 18, 2013
Flowers with electric touch
Hei girls,
Hope you're all doing well! ^^ If you feel like you don't know what to wear on your nails, here's a thought: blue. Personally I love those beautiful electric blues, they have a certain depth and elegance. I know spring is coming and pastels shades are all around us but I was in the mood for blue. Period! :D
Sper că vă merge bine! ^^ Dacă nu știți ce să mai purtați pe unghii, uite o idee: albastru. Personal iubesc acele superbe nuanțe de albastru electric, au o anumită profunzime și eleganță.
Hope you're all doing well! ^^ If you feel like you don't know what to wear on your nails, here's a thought: blue. Personally I love those beautiful electric blues, they have a certain depth and elegance. I know spring is coming and pastels shades are all around us but I was in the mood for blue. Period! :D
Sper că vă merge bine! ^^ Dacă nu știți ce să mai purtați pe unghii, uite o idee: albastru. Personal iubesc acele superbe nuanțe de albastru electric, au o anumită profunzime și eleganță.
Saturday, March 16, 2013
Dexter's obssesion... (Splatter design first attempt)
Hello ladies!
As time goes by and the 31 weeks colaborations advances the themes become more and more interesting! I'm actually very excited about what will come next ^^ but until then let's see today's theme which is Inspired by a movie. Well I didn't feel very inspired by any movie so I came up with the idea of a TV series hope you won't mind that I cheated a bit but I was inspired by Dexter which I'm currently watching. It's safe to say that it was easy to come up with the nail design: Dexter - Forensic Blood Splatter analyst (amongst many other things)- eureka!! Splatter mani! ^^
Pe măsură ce timpul trece și colaborarea de 31 de săptămâni avansează, temele devin tot mai interesante! Sunt foarte încântată de ce teme vor urma ^^ dar până atunci să vedem tema de azi și anume Inspirată de un film.
As time goes by and the 31 weeks colaborations advances the themes become more and more interesting! I'm actually very excited about what will come next ^^ but until then let's see today's theme which is Inspired by a movie. Well I didn't feel very inspired by any movie so I came up with the idea of a TV series hope you won't mind that I cheated a bit but I was inspired by Dexter which I'm currently watching. It's safe to say that it was easy to come up with the nail design: Dexter - Forensic Blood Splatter analyst (amongst many other things)- eureka!! Splatter mani! ^^
Pe măsură ce timpul trece și colaborarea de 31 de săptămâni avansează, temele devin tot mai interesante! Sunt foarte încântată de ce teme vor urma ^^ dar până atunci să vedem tema de azi și anume Inspirată de un film.
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Sharp edges - Avon Challenge: Colorspin
Hi there lovely ladies!
I have for you a geometric mani (first of this kind) and it's my contest entry for the Avon Challenge: Colorspin (romanian contest only) I had to recreate Alina's manicure but choose what colors I want. So I've choosed my favourite color combination for the spring/summer which is lilac and mint. Here's my approach:
Am pentru voi o manichiură geometrică (prima de acest fel) și e intrarea mea pentru Provocarea Avon: Colorspin.
I have for you a geometric mani (first of this kind) and it's my contest entry for the Avon Challenge: Colorspin (romanian contest only) I had to recreate Alina's manicure but choose what colors I want. So I've choosed my favourite color combination for the spring/summer which is lilac and mint. Here's my approach:
Am pentru voi o manichiură geometrică (prima de acest fel) și e intrarea mea pentru Provocarea Avon: Colorspin.
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Soft Glitter Gradient
Hello lovelies!
Hope you're enjoying this beautiful weather! Today I have for you a simple manicure which is still catchy because of the soft glitter gradient. You can achieve this look really quick and easy. You just need a makeup or kitchen sponge and after your base has dried you start to dab but I've explained it thoroughly >here<
Sper că vă bucurați din plin de vremea frumoasă! Azi am pentru voi o manichiură simplă dar care e totuși atrăgătoare ("la ochi") din cauza delicatului gradient cu sclipici.
Hope you're enjoying this beautiful weather! Today I have for you a simple manicure which is still catchy because of the soft glitter gradient. You can achieve this look really quick and easy. You just need a makeup or kitchen sponge and after your base has dried you start to dab but I've explained it thoroughly >here<
Sper că vă bucurați din plin de vremea frumoasă! Azi am pentru voi o manichiură simplă dar care e totuși atrăgătoare ("la ochi") din cauza delicatului gradient cu sclipici.
Monday, March 11, 2013
Pink cheetah print - First attempt
Hei hei!
Am I late or what? I know it's not nice but lesson learned - always prepare your posts ahead! That being said I'll be quick today^^ I owe you all Saturday's theme which was Animal print. This is actually my first attempt and I'll definetly be doing more of these 'cause I like how it looks but for future reference I should make my spots bigger and denser on each nail ^^
Am intarziat nu glumă! Știu că nu e frumos dar lecție învățată - întotdeauna să-mi pregătesc postările în avans! Acestea fiind spuse o să fiu scurtă azi^^ Vă datorez tema de Sâmbăta și anume Animal print.
Am I late or what? I know it's not nice but lesson learned - always prepare your posts ahead! That being said I'll be quick today^^ I owe you all Saturday's theme which was Animal print. This is actually my first attempt and I'll definetly be doing more of these 'cause I like how it looks but for future reference I should make my spots bigger and denser on each nail ^^
Am intarziat nu glumă! Știu că nu e frumos dar lecție învățată - întotdeauna să-mi pregătesc postările în avans! Acestea fiind spuse o să fiu scurtă azi^^ Vă datorez tema de Sâmbăta și anume Animal print.
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Lilac purple with mint flowers
Hello ladies!
Missed me? Sorry for not being so active in the past few days but I was sick so I was not quite in the mood for blogging. But I'll get right back on track soon enough. Today's manicure is pretty simple and I have to admit I saw on precious polish something similar (I'm talking about the gradient) and following the two accent nails trend I came up with this cheerful design! Hope you like it!
V-a fost dor de mine? Îmi cer scuze pentru lipsa de activitate din ultimele zile dar am fost bolnavă și deci nu prea am avut dispoziția necesară pentru a mă ocupa de blog.
Missed me? Sorry for not being so active in the past few days but I was sick so I was not quite in the mood for blogging. But I'll get right back on track soon enough. Today's manicure is pretty simple and I have to admit I saw on precious polish something similar (I'm talking about the gradient) and following the two accent nails trend I came up with this cheerful design! Hope you like it!
V-a fost dor de mine? Îmi cer scuze pentru lipsa de activitate din ultimele zile dar am fost bolnavă și deci nu prea am avut dispoziția necesară pentru a mă ocupa de blog.
Saturday, March 2, 2013
Honey Flowers - Collaboration
Hello ladies!
Today I have for you some yellow nails, a new theme from the 31 weeks collaboration. I have to say yellow is my least favourite color, I didn't own any nail polishes in that shade before this collaboration. I haven't decided yet if I like this color on my nails, maybe I will give it one more try in the summer.
Azi am pentru voi niste unghii galbene, o noua tema din colaborarea de 31 de saptamani. Trebuie sa spun ca galbenul nu este printre culorile mele favorite, nu am avut nici macar o oja in aceasta nuanta inainte de colaborare.
Today I have for you some yellow nails, a new theme from the 31 weeks collaboration. I have to say yellow is my least favourite color, I didn't own any nail polishes in that shade before this collaboration. I haven't decided yet if I like this color on my nails, maybe I will give it one more try in the summer.
Azi am pentru voi niste unghii galbene, o noua tema din colaborarea de 31 de saptamani. Trebuie sa spun ca galbenul nu este printre culorile mele favorite, nu am avut nici macar o oja in aceasta nuanta inainte de colaborare.
Friday, March 1, 2013
Golden Snowdrops - Saran Wrap First attempt
Hei hei!
I'm glad that I can finally say that spring is here which means that summer is one step closer ^^ I'm more of a heat lover so winter is the least favourite time of the year for me. To welcome the 1st of March I've prepared a special manicure along with some other lovely ladies. Here in our part of the world this day has a folcloric meaning in which women receive flowers or symbolic jewelry.
Sunt bucuroasa ca in sfarsit pot spune ca primavara a venit, ceea ce inseamna ca vara e cu inca un pas mai aproape ^^ Eu sunt mai mult o iubitoare de caldura si deci iarna nu e cea mai favorita perioada din an.
I'm glad that I can finally say that spring is here which means that summer is one step closer ^^ I'm more of a heat lover so winter is the least favourite time of the year for me. To welcome the 1st of March I've prepared a special manicure along with some other lovely ladies. Here in our part of the world this day has a folcloric meaning in which women receive flowers or symbolic jewelry.
Sunt bucuroasa ca in sfarsit pot spune ca primavara a venit, ceea ce inseamna ca vara e cu inca un pas mai aproape ^^ Eu sunt mai mult o iubitoare de caldura si deci iarna nu e cea mai favorita perioada din an.
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