Friday, September 27, 2013

TNCC ~ Classy saran wrap

Hey ladies!

The weekend is here!! But for once I'm not really happy about it 'cause this means my vacation is over! Period. On the plus side you'll see plenty of nail art here on blog as I intend to post every day for the next three days. So wish me luck!

As my nature is to be late - I'm on the edge with The Nail Challenge Collaborative theme for September - Techniques. I've prepared four interesting techniques for you and two are new ^^
Iată că a sosit și weekend-ul! Dar nu mă pot bucura prea tare de el, căci înseamnă că mi s-a terminat vacanța!Punct. Partea bună e că veți vedea o activitate intensă aici pe blog, pentru că intenționez să postez în fiecare zi pentru următoarele trei zile. Țineți-mi pumnii!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Jelly sandwich nails - first attempt

Hello ladies!

Today's post is special! I've descovered a new technique to me; I don't know how to call it properly but a jelly sandwich. I've stumbled upon it yesterday over at Adventures In Acetone and I was thrilled. She has made a super easy and explicative tutorial so make sure to pay her a visit. I think it was fate to found this exactly now when I had no idea what to do for yesterday's Mish Mash Challenge theme - blue and when I realised that the only jelly nail polish I have is blue I knew what I had to do ^^
Postarea de azi e una specială! Am descoperit o tehnică nouă mie; nu știu exact cum s-o numesc altfel decât sandviș gelatinos. Am descoperit-o ieri, pe blogul Adventures In Acetone și am fost super încântată.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

KKCenterHk Review - Gorgeous water decals

Hello lovelies!

How was your Monday? For me it was the last free Monday until the Christmas holidays as I'm starting school next week. Being my last week of vacation I'll try to make the best of its late mornings with a to do list full of nothing, oh sweet inocent joy! But enough with that, lets get back to why we're here: nailspiration. I like to think that maybe I'm some sort of inspiration for somebody in this world ^^

If you like what you're seeing keep scrolling to see how it can be done!
Cum v-a fost ziua de Luni? Pentru mine a fost ultima zi de Luni libera pana la sarbatorile de iarna, deoarece incep facultatea saptamana viitoare. Fiind ultima saptamana de vacanta o sa incerc sa ma bucur din plin de ea, de diminetile tarzii fara activitati obligatorii, ah scumpa inocenta!

Saturday, September 21, 2013

T.P.A. - Autumn flowers

Hey ladies!

I promised you in my last post (A hot accent on a cold mani) that I will show you autumn on my nails but I didn't want to do something stereotypical like fiery leaves and naked trees or seasonal fruits (I'm not very good at that), so I went with what I do best: flowers and I picked chrysanthemums. All this came along perfectly with today's theme of the The Polish Addict Group Challenge - A season.
V-am promis în ultima postare (A hot accent on a cold mani) că vă voi arăta toamna pe unghiile mele, dar nu voiam să fac stereotipurile acesteia, cum ar fi frunzele în nuanțe de foc și copaci goi sau fructele sezoniere (nu prea mă pricep la asta), așa că am mers pe ce știu eu să fac mai bine: flori și am ales crizantemele.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Missing summer...again!

Hey gals!

I'm very happy and pleased to present you a new type of post: Now and then. I saw these posts first on One Nail To Rule Them All and I thought it was such a cool idea to reacreate some of your old but favourite designs just to see how much you've evolved. I usually don't like to wear twice the same nail art but with this design I made an exception - I wore it three times (this is the third) :)) Without further ado, here it is!
Sunt foarte fericită și încântată să vă prezint un nou tip de postare: Acum și atunci. Am văzut pentru prima dată acest tip de postări la One Nail To Rule Them All și mi s-a părut foarte interesant să recreezi unele din vechile modele favorite doar pentru a vedea cât de mult ai evoluat. Mie de obicei, nu-mi place să port același model de două ori, dar cu acesta am făcut o excepție - l-am purtat de trei ori (aceasta e a treia) :))

Born Pretty Store Review: A hot accent on a cold mani

Hei girls!

After whining a lot about this crappy weather and longing for hot summer days spent on a beach with an icy drink in our hand, I decided it was about time to embrace autumn with its ups and downs, surely I don't need to mention the "downs" we pretty much know the moody rains and sunless days. As in concern to the "ups", autumn always reminds me of my childhood, when I would gather bouqets of leaves to take them to my mom or collect chestnuts for no reason. Fall has its charm, it's the season of juicy apples and grapes, of hot chocolate and cozy sweaters, so yeah, I'm planning to enjoy all that and forget about the nasty weather. How about you?
The theme of the Mish Mash Challenge - cold - goes perfectly with this time of year, but I didn't get ahead of myself as I wanted to do a review of some studs that I received from Born Pretty Store.

Monday, September 16, 2013

TTC#6 - When stripes turn into tribal...

Hello lovely ladies!

I hope your Monday went smoothly! (if that is ever possible ^^) We're off to another week and it'll get crowded over here, I intend to show you at least four manicures. The first one is from the Techniques Challenge with a striped theme. I haven't done a tribal design in ages so this was the perfect opportunity!
Sper că ați avut o zi de luni ușoară! (dacă e posibil așa ceva ^^) Începem o nouă săptămână și va fi puțină aglomerație aici pe blog, îmi propun să vă arăt cel puțin patru manichiuri. Prima este din cadrul Provocării Tehnicilor  cu o temă dungată. Nu am făcut un model tribal de multă vreme, așa că aceasta o fost ocazia perfectă!

Saturday, September 14, 2013

T.P.A. - Glamorous Aquarius

Hey girls!

Today we're talking again about a challenge - The Polish Addict Challenge - created by our lovely G. She really managed to put together a bunch of interesting themes as it is the one for this Saturday - Your zodiac sign. I must say I believe in such things and I really find myself in the traits of my zodiac sign.
Azi vorbim din nou despre o provocare - The Polish Addict Challenge - creată de talentata noastră G. 

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Born Pretty Store Review: Taping+studs+glitter equals pretty

Hello ladies!

When I first started this blog the main thought was to have fun so when I began to feel a slight pressure because of the challenges I decided to take it slow and do only the themes that appeal to me. That beeing said I've missed  Monday's TTC theme - sugar spun because I did one recently (you can see it here Sugar spun topping ~ first attempt) and I'm skipping today's Mish Mash Challenge theme - least expensive because I have no idea what I could've done with my cheapest nail polish.
Când am început blogul, ideea principală era să fie distractiv, apoi când a apărut puțină presiune din cauza provocărilor, m-am decis să o iau mai ușor și să particip doar la temele care-mi plac.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

T.P.A - A flower

Hello pretty ladies!

Oh, happy days! Soon my vacation will be over and I'll go back to the university, so I'm trying to enjoy these days as best as I can. I hope that my activity on blog will remain constant though. Today we are talking about the Polish Adict Challenge and we have a pretty theme named A Flower. 

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Tropical sunset

Hey girls!

How's your week so far? Mine has been eventless, just movie marathons and a lot of gym - yeah I'm getting in shape for winter :)) I'm a paradox, summer didn't motivate me maybe getting back to school will. Anyways let's get back to why were here - a new manicure from the Mish Mash Challenge.
Cum v-ați petrecut săptămâna până acum? A mea a fost cam lipsită de evenimente, doar câteva maratoane de filme și multă sală - aha vreau să fiu în formă pentru iarnă :)) sunt un paradox, vara nu m-a motivat prea tare, poate începutul facultății va fi suficient.

Monday, September 2, 2013

TTC#4 - Rivers of candy canes

Hi there lovelies!

I know, it's Monday and we have a new week ahead of us so let's take it easy! Today is the Techniques Challenge's turn and we have water marble - a beloved technique I didn't have the chance to practice very often. As a result the designs aren't identical, I think that's the hardest thing with this one, but they turned out pretty after all. It was actually the first time I've done it on someone else, my friend I. pitched in to help me. With all the challenges I'm in it's very helpful and less stressful for my nails if I do the designs on someone else's nails ^^
Știu că e Luni și avem o nouă săptămână în fata noastră, așa că, să o luăm usurel! Azi i-a venit rândul Provocării Tehnicilor și avem pictură pe apă - o tehnică preferată dar neexersată îndeajuns. Drept urmare modelele nu sunt identice, acesta fiind cel mai dificil aspect la tehnica de astăzi, dar cu toate acestea, au ieșit drăguț.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

T.P.A ~ Oh wow!

Hello girls!

Today is a big day! We start a new challenge - The Polish Addict Challenge. It's the most interesting collaboration I've attended so far and I hope I'll be able to do all the themes ^^ So lets begin! the first theme is Pop Art...well ladies, this is the first time I've stumbled over such a theme and boy did it gave me a hard time. I'm not familiar with this current (I think I was to young when it was popular or I wasn't even born) but after googling it I came accross a ton of inspiration.
Azi e o zi importantă! Începem o nouă colaborare - The Polish Addict Challenge. E cea mai interesantă provocare la care am participat până acum și sper doar să fiu în stare să fac toate temele ^^