Thursday, May 28, 2015

For Audrey


[EN] - Ladies, I got my hands on my very first China Glaze! Though it shouldn't be that big of a deal, but they're hard to find in my city so yeah, I'm excited to own one. It is such a nice shade, it belongs to my favorite range of color. I think it's also perfect for summer.

[Ro] - Dragele mele, am pus mana pe prima mea oja China Glaze! Nu stiu cum e pe la voi, dar stiti ca sunt o raritate prin magazine sau poate chiar inexistente, asa ca sunt tare bucuroasa ca am avut ocazia sa incerc una. E o nuanta tare draguta, una dintre preferatele mele. Cred ca e perfecta pentru vara.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Oriflame Review ~ WonderLash Mascara

Hello beauties!

[EN] - Today we take a break from nails to discuss about mascara. I don't usually do beauty reviews, there are plenty of girls out there who do that very well. The main reason for my shyness is because of the opinions which are always subjective and what works for me, may not work for you.
But...I'm willing to make an exception and I invite you to read on to find out why. Again all the opinions shared in this post are my own and I do not wish to enforce them on you. You may choose to try this mascara and see for yourself.

[Ro] - Dragele mele, azi luam o pauza de la manichiuri si modele pentru a discuta despre rimel. De obicei nu fac recenzii la produse de infrumusetare, sunt destule fete talentate in blogosfera care fac asta foarte bine. Motivul ce sta in spatele reticentei mele este diferenta de opinii, faptul ca tot ce spun eu aici e subiectiv, oferit din punctul meu de vedere. Prin urmare ce mi se potriveste mie nu e "musai" sa vi se potriveasca si voua.
Dar, azi sunt dispusa sa fac o exceptie, va invit sa cititi in continuare pentru a afla de ce. Din nou, va reamintesc ca toate opiniile ce le impartasesc cu voi sunt ale mele si pentru a vedea daca sunt si ale voastre, nu va ramane decat sa testati acest rimel.

Friday, May 22, 2015

MoYou London Review - Cute doodles

Hello ladies!

[EN] - I'm so excited about today's nails! It's something I've been meaning to do for a while and I'm glad that MoYou London has given me the chance to do it. They've organised a cute pinups contest where we have to take inspiration from one of their pin-up gals. I've chosen the Doodles Collection, because they have amazing plates in it. So keep your fingers crossed for me, will you? 

[Ro] -  Fete dragi, sunt entuziasmata sa va prezint un model la care m-am gandit de ceva vreme, iar cei de la MoYou London mi-au oferit ocazia perfecta pentru a-l incerca in sfarsit. Au organizat un concurs la care trebuie sa ne inspiram din fetele reprezentative ale colectiilor. Zis si facut, am ales Doodles Collection, deoarece au modele deosebite in aceasta. Sa-mi tineti pumnii!

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Dreamy nail polish

Hello ladies!

[EN] - After going all animal on you in my previous post I've decided to tone it down a bit and show you a swatch. Just like a "breath of fresh air" between nail art posts. 
Oh, ladies, I'm in love! This nail polish has the perfect formula, color, shine, drying time...perfect everything! I've found the holy grail, of nail polishes. Yep, that's how excited I am and like everything else wasn't enough it's also really cheap, what else can we ask ladies?? Only to apply itself maybe :)) 

[Ro] - Dupa ce data trecuta v-am prezentat o manichiura "animalica", azi m-am decis sa ma domolesc putin si sa va arat doar o oja simpla. Ca si o "gura proaspata de aer" intre postari cu modele.
Dragele mele, eu m-am indragostit! Cred ca sunteti familiarizate si voi cu ojele Farmec si aveti o parere buna despre ele, asa ca ce va spun eu acum poate sa nu va mire prea tare. E oja perfecta din punctul meu de vedere, are o formula ideala, o culoare frumoasa, luciu, timp de uscare bun, rezistenta, trece cu brio de orice test! Si daca toate aceste lucruri nu v-au convins, poate o sa o faca pretul care este unul accesibil. Ce altceva am mai putea cere?? Doar sa se aplice singura eventual :))

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Born Pretty Store Review - Double stamping (First attempt)

Hello ladies!

[EN] - Today is a glorious day! It's the day I failed at the double stamping technique! :)) I've seen it going around in the nail art world for a while now, so I thought it was about time to give it a try. Aparently, it's not that big of a deal, you stamp once, then you do it again. You can use the same design or a different one. If you're doing the same design but with different colors the trick is to stamp the colors very closely together to get the "idea" of shading, but as you can see I didn't succeed at that.

[Ro] - Salutare fete dragi! Azi e o zi glorioasa! E ziua in care am incercat tehnica stampilarii duble. Se poate stampila acelasi model dar folosind nuante diferite sau modele diferite si nuante diferite, posibilitatile sunt infinite! Daca folositi acelasi model, secretul este sa stampilati modelele aproape unul peste celalalt pentru a da impreisa de umbre, dar dupa cum se vede nu mi-a iesit prea bine.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Cupcake frosting


[EN] - My lovely girls, today I have for you a crazy cute shade of pink. It's from Rimmel London and it's called Ring a ring o'roses (weird name). I have to confess something, I don't really like how it goes with my skin tone, I like to look at it (that's one of the reasons I bought it) but I don't like it on my nails in particular. By the way, do you know a way to find out if you have a warm skin tone or a cold one?

[Ro] - Fete dragi, azi va prezint o nuanta adorabila de roz. E de la Rimmel London si se numeste Ring a ring o'roses (un nume ciudatel). Trebuie sa va marturisesc insa ca nu prea se potriveste cu subtonul pielii mele, cel putin asa mi se pare. Imi place cum arata in sticluta (acesta e unul din motivele pentru care am luat-o) dar nu ma incanta prea tare pe unghiile mele. Apropo, stiti cumva vreo metoda prin care se poate afla daca pielea are un subton cald sau rece?

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Born Pretty Store Review - Color blocking stamping

Hello ladies!

[EN] - As promised in my previous post (Alaska), today I'm going to show you something "warmer". I was going to say color blocking but I don't think it fits that category. With that in mind can anyone tell me what this trend really is? I think my magenta should have been stronger for this to be called color blocking, right?

[Ro] - Fetelor, m-am hotarat sa scriu din nou si in romana. Dar ca sa nu ma simt ca si un robotel care traduce mot-a-mot o sa scriu asa cum imi vine. Sa trecem la treaba, va spuneam in postarea anterioara ca azi o sa va arat ceva mai "calduros". Voiam sa spun color blocking dar nu cred ca se incadreaza in trend. De fapt, ati putea sa-mi spuneti ce inseamna mai exact color blocking? Cred ca ticlamul meu trebuia sa fie mai puternic si sa acopere mai mult spatiu ca sa intre in categorie, nu?