Hello ladies!
[EN] - Today is a glorious day! It's the day I failed at the double stamping technique! :)) I've seen it going around in the nail art world for a while now, so I thought it was about time to give it a try. Aparently, it's not that big of a deal, you stamp once, then you do it again. You can use the same design or a different one. If you're doing the same design but with different colors the trick is to stamp the colors very closely together to get the "idea" of shading, but as you can see I didn't succeed at that.
[Ro] - Salutare fete dragi! Azi e o zi glorioasa! E ziua in care am incercat tehnica stampilarii duble. Se poate stampila acelasi model dar folosind nuante diferite sau modele diferite si nuante diferite, posibilitatile sunt infinite! Daca folositi acelasi model, secretul este sa stampilati modelele aproape unul peste celalalt pentru a da impreisa de umbre, dar dupa cum se vede nu mi-a iesit prea bine.
[EN] - For the base I used Rimmel London - Caramel cupcake (yum!). I'm not very excited about this one, I don't know why. It has an ok formula and it needs two coats for full coverage. I guess I'm not thrilled by the shade, it looks nice in a bottle but I can't decide if I like it on my nails (I've had this feeling before with "Cupcake frosting").
But lets leave the drama and focus on the design. I used a stamping plate from Born Pretty Store and it's full of animal print designs (yeeey!). These prints were kind of a headache to freehand but not anymore! My first endevour with a stamped animal print design wasn't really a success (see it in My first staming experience), the pattern on that plate was to small but that's not the case here. I also changed my stamper since then so stamping became a lot easier. The stamping plate used today is called Crazing Zebra and it has 5 extra large templates on it. I love it!
[Ro] - Ca si oja de baza am folosit Rimmel London - Caramel cupcake. Nu sunt foarte incantata de ea, nu stiu de ce. Are o formula bunicica si are nevoie de 2 straturi pentru a deveni opaca. Banuiesc ca nuanta nu ma prea incanta, arata bine in sticluta dar nu ma pot decide daca imi place pe unghiile mele (am mai avut acest sentiment in legatura cu Ring a ring o'roses).
Dar sa lasam sentimentele la o parte si sa trecem la model. Am folosit o placuta pentru stampilat de la Born Pretty Store, una plina de modele inspirate din blana animalelor. Aceste modele mi-au dat ceva batai de cap in trecut dar nu si acum. Prima mea aventura cu stampilarea nu a fost prea stralucita (o puteti vedea in My first staming experience), sablonul de pe acea placuta era prea mic, dar aceasta pe care o prezint azi are modele de dimensiuni mari, deci nu trebuie sa va faceti griji in aceasta privinta. Am schimbat si stampila si de atunci aceasta tehnica a devenit mult mai usoara. Placuta se numeste Crazing Zebra si puteti vedea mai multe detalii folosind link-ul. Eu ma declar incantata de ea!
[EN] - Ladies, this is it for today! I hope I peeked your interest with this stamping plate and stamping in general. Although all the designs seem animal print I think some of them can be looked at differently if the right shades are being used. You'll see what I'm talking about in a future post.
Don't forget that Born Pretty Store is offering a 10% OFF DISCOUNT on your order by using the code PRVG10.
[Ro] - Dragele mele, sper ca v-am starnit interesul pentru aceasta placuta si pentru stampilat in sine. Desi toate modele par "animalice" cred ca ar putea fi privite si altfel daca s-ar folosi nuantele potrivite. Veti vedea intr-o postare viitoare despre ce vorbesc.
Nu uitati ca puteti beneficia de 10% REDUCERE la comanda voastra de pe Born Pretty Store, utilizand codul PRVG10.
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This product was provided by Born Pretty Store All the opinions shared in this post are my own. |
With Love, R.
Beautiful manicure, your stamping looks amazing! I love the colours you used too :) xx
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for your kind words :)
DeleteFoarte reusita manichiura. Eu nu am incercat pana acum aceasta tehnica, dar daca o fac sper sa-mi iasa atat de frumosa ca si a ta!
ReplyDeleteMultumesc Andrea! Sunt sigura ca o sa-ti iasa super :)
DeleteFrumoasa mani. Mi-ai facut dor de un animal print pe unghiute. ☺ ♥
ReplyDeleteDe curand am aflat de tehnica aceasta si mi se pare interesanta. Nu am incercat-o, pentru ca abia am prins putina indemanare cu stampilatul clasic.
Multumeeesc :) E usoara tehnica aceasta, la fel ca si stampilatul normal, trebuie doar sa fi atenta la pozitionare. Sunt sigura ca o sa ne incanti cu un model frumos!
DeleteE complicat sa stampilezi sa dea impresia de umbre....(am avut si eu o incercare, esuata) dar manichiura ta arata superb!
ReplyDeleteImi plac foarte mult culorile ales.
Intr-adevar e complicata pozitionarea celui de-al doilea model :p Multumesc pentru apreciere, desi nu sunt perfecte nici ale mele :)
DeleteRoarrrr! arat minunat :D
ReplyDeleteHei, multumesc! ^_^
DeleteIt's a very pretty stamping mani!
ReplyDeleteThank you for the vote of confidence ^^
Deletedraguta mani! tehnica asta nu am incercat!