Hey girls!
I'm reaaaally excited about today's nails! Love how pretty they've turned out. I had fun making this nail art and now, I want to share it with you (^^).
Read on for the details...
Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts
Friday, December 12, 2014
Monday, December 8, 2014
Holiday Season - Abstract Christmas Tree?
Hello ladies!
It seems like I have to finally accept the fact that the natural light is kinda crappy in December, hence no photos in natural light today. Given that I don't have a lightbox thingy I was forced to improvise and the results are not the best. Therefore let's focus on the theme here...
I'm continuing the Holiday Series and today I've decided to show you a shade that would be perfect for those of you that are not big fans of red.
It seems like I have to finally accept the fact that the natural light is kinda crappy in December, hence no photos in natural light today. Given that I don't have a lightbox thingy I was forced to improvise and the results are not the best. Therefore let's focus on the theme here...
I'm continuing the Holiday Series and today I've decided to show you a shade that would be perfect for those of you that are not big fans of red.
Monday, December 1, 2014
Holiday Season - Glitter gradient
Hello December!
I can hardly believe it's already the last month of the year. It's time to get into the Christmas spirit, and let our souls be filled with joy. Just try to forget everything that isn't so good in your life right now and focus on the simple things that come out of this time of year, like diy decorations, gifts, sweets&cakes (yum) and let's not forget about Christmas shopping.
I can hardly believe it's already the last month of the year. It's time to get into the Christmas spirit, and let our souls be filled with joy. Just try to forget everything that isn't so good in your life right now and focus on the simple things that come out of this time of year, like diy decorations, gifts, sweets&cakes (yum) and let's not forget about Christmas shopping.
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Farmec review ~ Joyful Elf
Hey girls!
I'm keeping my promises so today I'm going to show you the last nail polish I own from the 2013 A/W Collection by Farmec. It is quite a shade, it's unique in my collection so yeah...this one is special too. These types of finishes are starting to grow on me, I don't really know how to call them...chromes, metalics, help me out girls!
I'm keeping my promises so today I'm going to show you the last nail polish I own from the 2013 A/W Collection by Farmec. It is quite a shade, it's unique in my collection so yeah...this one is special too. These types of finishes are starting to grow on me, I don't really know how to call them...chromes, metalics, help me out girls!
Saturday, November 22, 2014
Farmec review ~ Silent Night
Hello lovelies!
I have something special for you today! A gorgeous shade of nail polish, from a local brand named Farmec, their headquarters are right here in my city so yeah... I'm being supportive of local bussinesses. Although it's a local brand they are present internationally, here's where you can find out if they're available in your country (Farmec-Distribution).
This particular one is included in Farmec's A/W 2013 Collection and it's called Silent Night. It's a deep blue with metalic irizations and purple highlights, so depending on the light, you have blue nails or a combination of blue'ish purple nails. It definetly is a chameleonic shade - that's why it's so special. Wearing it, your nails will have an elegant and sophisticated look; just perfect for the upcoming holidays, right?
I have something special for you today! A gorgeous shade of nail polish, from a local brand named Farmec, their headquarters are right here in my city so yeah... I'm being supportive of local bussinesses. Although it's a local brand they are present internationally, here's where you can find out if they're available in your country (Farmec-Distribution).
This particular one is included in Farmec's A/W 2013 Collection and it's called Silent Night. It's a deep blue with metalic irizations and purple highlights, so depending on the light, you have blue nails or a combination of blue'ish purple nails. It definetly is a chameleonic shade - that's why it's so special. Wearing it, your nails will have an elegant and sophisticated look; just perfect for the upcoming holidays, right?
Friday, December 20, 2013
Golden Rose Review - Classy texture
Hi lovelies!
Today I'm showing you one of my recent loves - textured nail polishes. When I first saw it in the bottle (@Beauty Bloggers Anual Meet Up) I thought...meh this is not my colour but now, after I've applied it onto my nails, I've changed my mind! It looks so classy and elegant and the sugar-y texture only makes it more special.
Azi, vă arăt una dintre iubirile mele recente - ojele texturate. Când am văzut-o prima dată în sticluță (@Beauty Bloggers Anual Meet Up) mă gândeam că nu mi se va potrivi, dar după ce am aplicat-o pe unghii, povestea e cu totul alta! Arată foarte elegant și textura zaharoasă nu face decât să-i aducă un plus de unicitate.
Today I'm showing you one of my recent loves - textured nail polishes. When I first saw it in the bottle (@Beauty Bloggers Anual Meet Up) I thought...meh this is not my colour but now, after I've applied it onto my nails, I've changed my mind! It looks so classy and elegant and the sugar-y texture only makes it more special.
Azi, vă arăt una dintre iubirile mele recente - ojele texturate. Când am văzut-o prima dată în sticluță (@Beauty Bloggers Anual Meet Up) mă gândeam că nu mi se va potrivi, dar după ce am aplicat-o pe unghii, povestea e cu totul alta! Arată foarte elegant și textura zaharoasă nu face decât să-i aducă un plus de unicitate.
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Farmec review - Muddy boots and knitted sweaters
Hey girls!
On Sunday, this blog turned 1! Yes, one! Already! And I didn't even had the time to do something special :(. I had in mind a few changes but I guess it'll have to wait and maybe they'll be on my resolutions list for 2014. We'll see how my vacation goes but hopefully it'll happen sooner! I for one, can't wait! But enough of that I don't want to spoil the surprise ^^
I know some of you have been following my blog for a while, so thank you for all your support and visits. They're much appreciated! And since I haven't properly introduced myself, here's a clue to how I look like. Just if you're curious! ^^ I for one like to know a little bit about the people behind the blogs I'm reading. In this regard, an about me section is planned to appear in the near future.
On Sunday, this blog turned 1! Yes, one! Already! And I didn't even had the time to do something special :(. I had in mind a few changes but I guess it'll have to wait and maybe they'll be on my resolutions list for 2014. We'll see how my vacation goes but hopefully it'll happen sooner! I for one, can't wait! But enough of that I don't want to spoil the surprise ^^
I know some of you have been following my blog for a while, so thank you for all your support and visits. They're much appreciated! And since I haven't properly introduced myself, here's a clue to how I look like. Just if you're curious! ^^ I for one like to know a little bit about the people behind the blogs I'm reading. In this regard, an about me section is planned to appear in the near future.
Monday, December 2, 2013
KKCenterHK Review - Champagne Bubbles
Hey girls!
As promised on my Facebook page, today I'm talking about a bundle of sparkle. And since we're officially in the most cheerful month of the year, what could be more appropriate? December has such a special vibe with all its lights and flavors. It's one of my favourite periods and it's the only time I can endure the cold and the snow - I even find it special.
The polish I'm talking about is Ebalay #07 - it's a beautiful glitter, it has actually several types of glitters in it: round white and copper ones, tiny strips of white flecks and almost invisible to the eye purple glitter.
The polish I'm talking about is Ebalay #07 - it's a beautiful glitter, it has actually several types of glitters in it: round white and copper ones, tiny strips of white flecks and almost invisible to the eye purple glitter.
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Hope you had a lovely Christmas!
Bună dragelor!
Sper că aţi avut parte de nişte zile de sărbătoare fericite și liniştite alături de cei dragi și sper ca moşul a fost darnic cu voi ;))
Din lipsă de timp vă arăt doar acum manichiura mea de Crăciun, aș fi făcut postarea asta mai repede dar pur și simplu nu am avut timp și pentru asta :(
Cat despre manichiură vă pot spune că am folosit o oja de la she (prima mea oja de la aceasta firmă).
Sper că aţi avut parte de nişte zile de sărbătoare fericite și liniştite alături de cei dragi și sper ca moşul a fost darnic cu voi ;))
Din lipsă de timp vă arăt doar acum manichiura mea de Crăciun, aș fi făcut postarea asta mai repede dar pur și simplu nu am avut timp și pentru asta :(
Cat despre manichiură vă pot spune că am folosit o oja de la she (prima mea oja de la aceasta firmă).
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Gold & Mauve
Desi e foarte tarzie ora, am placerea sa va prezint o alta manichiura :D. O recomand celor care nu se inteleg bine cu rosu si vor totusi sa poarte ceva special de Craciun.
Nu e un model complicat si nu dureaza mult executarea lui. Daca totusi aveti unele nelamuriri legat de model lasati-mi un comentariu si va voi raspunde cu cea mai mare placere :*
Desi e foarte tarzie ora, am placerea sa va prezint o alta manichiura :D. O recomand celor care nu se inteleg bine cu rosu si vor totusi sa poarte ceva special de Craciun.
Nu e un model complicat si nu dureaza mult executarea lui. Daca totusi aveti unele nelamuriri legat de model lasati-mi un comentariu si va voi raspunde cu cea mai mare placere :*
Friday, December 21, 2012
Sărbătorile vin!
Ştiu că toată lumea e în toiul pregătirilor, peste tot e agitaţie, mai ales gospodinele se stresează cel mai tare :)) dar trebuie totuşi să avem și câte un moment de respiro în care să ne tragem sufletul și să ne delectăm cu ceva uşor, cum ar fi o manichiură :D
E tot un model potrivit acestei perioade, de fapt sunt două modele, dar cel cu glitter roşu nu a ieşit aşa cum vroiam (a fost prima dată când am folosit glitter pudră :-s), aşa că să ne concentrăm pe cel cu modelul free-hand.
Ştiu că toată lumea e în toiul pregătirilor, peste tot e agitaţie, mai ales gospodinele se stresează cel mai tare :)) dar trebuie totuşi să avem și câte un moment de respiro în care să ne tragem sufletul și să ne delectăm cu ceva uşor, cum ar fi o manichiură :D
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Letter to Santa
De abea aşteptam să fac această postare!! Mi-a făcut plăcere să fac acest model, îmi aduce aminte de scrisorile către Moşu' (pe vremea când mai credeam în existenţa lui); cum îmi plăcea să le împopoţonez cu tot felul de desene și ghirlande și sclipici..ah copilărie unde ai fugit oare?!
Eu sper să vă placă ideea mea și să o și puneți în practică deoarece nu e greu de făcut, detaliile le găsiți >aici<
Am folosit aceeaşi idee ca și acolo, dar în schimbul floricelelor am făcut clopoţei, o lumânare, o cizmă și floarea specifica iernii - ilexul.
De abea aşteptam să fac această postare!! Mi-a făcut plăcere să fac acest model, îmi aduce aminte de scrisorile către Moşu' (pe vremea când mai credeam în existenţa lui); cum îmi plăcea să le împopoţonez cu tot felul de desene și ghirlande și sclipici..ah copilărie unde ai fugit oare?!
Eu sper să vă placă ideea mea și să o și puneți în practică deoarece nu e greu de făcut, detaliile le găsiți >aici<
Am folosit aceeaşi idee ca și acolo, dar în schimbul floricelelor am făcut clopoţei, o lumânare, o cizmă și floarea specifica iernii - ilexul.
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Unleash the glitter!
Let it fill our lives with color and sparkling lights!
Saliuti!Dupa cum v-am promis ieri, postez o idee pt unghii de Craciun, putin mai elegante. Cam asa ma gandeam sa mi le fac eu, dar poate pana atunci voi veni cu o imbunatatire, poate ma ajutati si voi cu pareri :D
Sper sa va placa e simplu de realizat cu putina rabdare. Poate trebuia sa las un pic de spatiu intre pietricele, initial vroiam sa dau iluzia de fermoar si sa fi facut cate o dungulita intre pietricele.
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