Monday, January 21, 2013

Watercolor and roses - First attempt!

Hello ladies!

Since I'm a student I hate the months of January and February, it's all about exams and stressful stuff :( I'm complaining again and I haven't even started yet...
But luckily I have something to cheer me up, yep my nail art, sweet loved obssesion :D
For today's mani I've tried two new techniques, as you can see I'm still a newbie. So for the watercolor wanna be technique I've watched this >tutorial< and for those horribly wanna be roses :)) I've watched this >one<

Natural light
I have to admit I had fun doing these nails and I love how they came out (there's always room for more but I'm humbly proud). Oh and I almost forgot it's the first time I'm wearing shiny rhinestones so triple combo ^^ Hope you'll like it!
Lamp light
So for the accent nail I've used a white nail polish then a sheer light grey. After they were dried I painted the black stripes then the sparkly ones. And at the end I did those roses.
For the rest of my nails I've used first Avon -Sea breeze as a base color (2 coats), then Golden Rose #222 and Astor Fashion Studio #136 for the watercolor and a tiny bit of Flormar #046 on top.
That's it for today girls. I would love to here your thoughts on this design, especially on that watercolor, would you do it?

If you wonder what happened with the Valentine's Day Series, I'm taking it slow so the other girls joining me would have time to do the manicures. The next post will be on the 27th.

Contact me:
P.S. Tomorrow I'll show you pics in natural light, hope the watercolor would look better because in reality looks awesome :D *done*


  1. foarte frumi manichiura <3 modelul de pe inelar e superb :X cat a costa oja nail art de la Golden Rose?

  2. Cred ca 6 lei :)
    Multumesc de aprecieri :D

  3. love it!! :)

  4. Foarte faine ! Imi plac tare alea albe cu dungi negre si argintii , dar si astea sunt super:D

  5. It's very pretty - I really like it - and good luck with all the exams :)

  6. Thank you girls :D I really appreciate :*

  7. Foarte frumoasa manichiura si foarte eleganta. Tehnicile le-ai aplicat corect si ti-au iesit surprinzator de bine. Culorile folosite sunt superbe. Bravo. PUPIC

  8. Ce verde frumos. Abia astept sa vina vara sa mi le port si eu asa :X

  9. Ce dragute, imi place foarte mult cum arata :) Asa am si eu unghiutele azi, cu o pietricica :) dar sunt toate la fel, n-am facut nimic special la inelar :D

  10. Ce dragalase sunt! Imi place combinatia! :*

  11. Foarte draguta manichiura. Arata tare bine combinatia de culori pe care ai ales-o :*

  12. Salut!:) Frumoasa!! You have beautiful nails!:)

  13. I loved this design and the colors too! :) The water color you're referring to, could that be acrylic paint? It's water soluble but isn't a water color per ce. :) Curious, since a lot of people use acrylics and I haven't heard any one use plain water color before. :)

    1. You mean that video or what I've used? I've used nail polish but my mistake was that I didn't use pure acetone, in the video I don't know what she is using maybe some sort of nail polish I think :-s


Thank you for your comment and support! Just know, you've put a smile on my face ^_^
If you have any questions, suggestions or even some constructive criticism I would be happy to hear you out, here, or more privately through the contact section.
Have a lovely day!