Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Lilac purple with mint flowers

Hello ladies!

Missed me? Sorry for not being so active in the past few days but I was sick so I was not quite in the mood for blogging. But I'll get right back on track soon enough. Today's manicure is pretty simple and I have to admit I saw on precious polish something similar (I'm talking about the gradient) and following the two accent nails trend I came up with this cheerful design! Hope you like it!
V-a fost dor de mine? Îmi cer scuze pentru lipsa de activitate din ultimele zile dar am fost bolnavă și deci nu prea am avut dispoziția necesară pentru a mă ocupa de blog.
Dar voi fi din nou în formă în cel mai scurt timp.  Manichiura de azi e destul de simplă și trebuie să spun că am văzut ceva similar pe precious polish (mă refer la acel gradient) și continuând trend-ul cu două unghii accent am venit cu această manichiură veselă! Sper să vă placă!
It seems that I have a problem with my new top-coat which makes bubbles. It's so annoying! So please ignore them! ^^ Below you have an example of a ruined manicure by bubbles :(

Se pare că am o problemă cu noul meu top-coat care face bule. E tare enervant! Așa că vă rog ingnorați-le! ^^ Mai jos aveți un exemplu de manichiură distrusă de bule :(


  1. Foarte frumoase si insanatosire grabnica si eu sunt cam racita zilele astea asa ca te inteleg :)

  2. e foarte draguta manichiura, iar floricele sunt cute, da si eu am problema top coat-urilor cand ajung la jumatate sticlutei incep sa-mi faca bule pe unghii

    1. Mersi Ela! Nu stiu de la ce firma sa mai incerc :(

    2. urmatorul top coat va fi unul din urmatoarele: Seche Vite, China Glaze,Sally Hansen sau Revlon, am folosit si de la OPI dar tot la fel mi s-a intamplat la jumatate sticlutei face bule :D

    3. Multumesc pentru sugestii :D

  3. Wow, ce top coat nesuferit! Manichiura e tare draguta si potrivita pentru primavara!

    1. Mersi :D Da ma cam enerveaza ca-mi strica toate manichiurile :(

  4. Oh so super sweet and gorgeous this is - love it!

  5. Oh so sorry you was sick, hope you feel all better soon. I love your nails, the design is so gorgeous. My favorite part is the gradient.

    1. Thank you! You're so sweet! :) I'm glad you like it!

  6. such a cute color combo! looks so spring-y and fresh :)

  7. Sunt foarte frumoase! Eu am luat parca in ianuarie un top coat de la Orkide, l-am lasat deoparte pentru un Kallos, acum am revenit la el. Mai am cam un sfert in sticluta si a stat destul de mult fara capac, dar vad ca nu face bule. Doarca nu se usuca atat de repede pe unghie cum zic ei.

  8. Adorabile! Atat culoarea cat si modelul. De ce nu incerci si lacurile de la Kallos? Eu nu am probleme cu ele. Folosesc lacul de acoperire lucios cu protectie UV. Chiar asa ii spune. Este si ieftin si bun. Dupa parerea mea. Pup si insanatosire grabnica.

    1. Tocmai mi-am luat unul de la Kallos si mi se pare ok deocamdata :) Mersi :D

  9. Superbe, oja mi se pare tare frumoasa! :)

    1. Mersi :D arata chiar mai bine in realitate e printre ojele mele preferate :)

  10. Mersi ;)) Sa ne lasi un link sa vedem si noi ;))

  11. Super! Frumoasa combinatia de nuante, ultima mea mani este tot liliac dar cu mov si floricele :)

  12. This is so pretty! I love the spring feeling of it

  13. Ce draguta e!
    Imi place mult oja mov.

  14. I only get these bubbles if I don't wash my hands after taking off the last polish- it seems the remains of the polish remover create those annoying bubbles. They never occur if I wash my hands before the new polish. Just a tip. :)

  15. Interesting! But I always wash my hands after removing my polish because I don't like how the polish remover feels on my skin and I do some treatments with oils after that so I definetly wash my hands even a couple of times because I know the nails have to be degreased very well so I don't think that's the problem. I'm sure it's the top-coat because now I've changed it and I don't have that problem anymore. But thank you for the input. I think it's a very helpful and important tip :)


Thank you for your comment and support! Just know, you've put a smile on my face ^_^
If you have any questions, suggestions or even some constructive criticism I would be happy to hear you out, here, or more privately through the contact section.
Have a lovely day!