Friday, March 1, 2013

Golden Snowdrops - Saran Wrap First attempt

Hei hei!

I'm glad that I can finally say that spring is here which means that summer is one step closer ^^ I'm more of a heat lover so winter is the least favourite time of the year for me. To welcome the 1st of March I've prepared a special manicure along with some other lovely ladies. Here in our part of the world this day has a folcloric meaning in which women receive flowers or symbolic jewelry.
Sunt bucuroasa ca in sfarsit pot spune ca primavara a venit, ceea ce inseamna ca vara e cu inca un pas mai aproape ^^ Eu sunt mai mult o iubitoare de caldura si deci iarna nu e cea mai favorita perioada din an.
In intampinarea zilei de 1 Martie am pregatit impreuna cu alte domnisoare dragute, niste manichiuri speciale, asa de Martisor.
For this design I've tried the saran wrap technique, which is a first attempt and it's not that succesful because I haven't got the hang of it yet. But I'll keep on trying! On my ring finger I've tried to draw some snowdrops I say tried 'cause they're not that brilliant ^^

Pentru acest model am incercat pentru prima data tehnica celofanului insa nu cu prea mult succes pentru ca nu am reusit sa o stapanesc prea bine inca. Dar voi mai incerca! Pe inelar am incercat sa pictez ghiocei,  spun incercat pentru ca nu sunt foarte straluciti ^^
If some of you may be interested in this technique let me know in a comment below / Daca unele dintre voi sunteti interesate de aceasta tehnica, spuneti-mi printr-un comentariu.

Now let's check out some beautiful designs :)
Georgia - Makeup by G
Deyutza - Deyutza's Blog
Josephine - Rainbows in a jar
Agota - Nail Glaze
Raluca - Blackeyedstyle
Mihaela Claudia - Ela's Dreams


  1. That looks lovely. I have seen few snow flower designs by now and they all come with the white/red ribbon, just wondering is there any story why those two go together?

    1. It's a folcloric holiday in my country called Martisor through which we celebrate the rebirth of nature and that ribbon represents purity and feminity. it is said it brings good luck to the one who wears it. Often it's attached to lucky charms or bouqets of snowdrops ar any other spring flowers and it is also common that men offer this symbolic gifts to women to celebrate them :)

    2. Oh great to know, happy Martisor! :)

  2. Foarte dragute! Poate s-ar vedea mai bine cu o baza mai inchisa, in contrast cu auriul..E frumos ghiocelul tau :)

    1. Multumesc! Si ai dreptate, s-ar fi vazut cu siguranta mai bine dar eu vroiam un efect mai subtil, in mintea mea arata mai bine :))

  3. Foarte cute

  4. Nu inteleg de ce nu esti multumita cum ti-au iesit ghioceii. Mereu te subapreciezi si nu e cazul. Ti-a iesit foarte bine manichiura si de data aceasta

    1. Mersi :D Pai mereu se poate si mai bine, poate pentru ca sunt o perfectionista sau poate pentru ca mai tot timpul modelul din mintea mea nu coincide cu modelul realizat :)) Si atunci nu ma ridic asteptarilor mele :P

  5. Cant wait for summer! This is amazing, I think you have done a really good job.

  6. Cat de frumos e micul ghiocel<3 foarte dragut si imi place.pup

  7. foarte dragut modelul tau imi place si ghiocelul, nu am incercat tehnica aceasta desi am vazut cateva tutoriale, poate daca foloseai o culoare mai inchisa ca sa existe un contrast era mai ok :D

    1. Multumesc Andreia si Yarina :*

      Ella: Da am urmarit si eu doar ca eu aveam in minte ceva mai soft si ma gandeam ca o sa se vada totusi mai definit dar m-am inselat. O sa incerc si cu o nuanta mai inchisa ;)) Mersi :*

  8. Ce martisor cute :X Imi place si culoarea aceea aurie se vede super.


  9. Sa stii ca sunt perfecti ghioceii :* te pup!


Thank you for your comment and support! Just know, you've put a smile on my face ^_^
If you have any questions, suggestions or even some constructive criticism I would be happy to hear you out, here, or more privately through the contact section.
Have a lovely day!