Thursday, September 26, 2013

Jelly sandwich nails - first attempt

Hello ladies!

Today's post is special! I've descovered a new technique to me; I don't know how to call it properly but a jelly sandwich. I've stumbled upon it yesterday over at Adventures In Acetone and I was thrilled. She has made a super easy and explicative tutorial so make sure to pay her a visit. I think it was fate to found this exactly now when I had no idea what to do for yesterday's Mish Mash Challenge theme - blue and when I realised that the only jelly nail polish I have is blue I knew what I had to do ^^
Postarea de azi e una specială! Am descoperit o tehnică nouă mie; nu știu exact cum s-o numesc altfel decât sandviș gelatinos. Am descoperit-o ieri, pe blogul Adventures In Acetone și am fost super încântată.
Găsiți acolo un tutorial foarte simplu și explicativ, așa că trebuie să-i faceți o vizită. Cred că a fost soarta că am găsit acest tutorial tocmai când nu aveam nici o idee ce să fac pentru tema (albastru) de ieri a Provocării Alandala și când mi-am dat seama că singura ojă gelatinoasă pe care o am e albastră, am știut ce am de făcut ^^
In the sunlight
As I don't like to copy someone's exact design I've decided to do flowers instead of hearts. At first I thought I should use a really light blue for the dots but I stayed faithfull to white for more contrast. The blue base is Orkide #340 and for the white dots I've used acrylic paint. Initially I didn't want to add glitter but I wasn't really satisfied with the result until after I tried it. So this is it! Would you do something similiar? It's really easy and the effect is so interesting.

Cum nu-mi place să fac modelul altcuiva întocmai  am decis să fac flori în loc de inimioare. La început mă gândeam să folosesc un albastru foarte deschis pentru puncte, dar am rămas fidelă albului, pentru mai mult contrast. Albastrul de bază e Orkide #340, iar pentru puncte am folosit vopsea acrilică. Inițial nu voisem să folosesc sclipici dar cum nu prea am fost mulțumită de rezultat, m-am gândit că ar fi o idee bună. Asta e tot! Ați încerca ceva asemanator? E chiar simplu și efectul obținut e tare interesant.

Thanks for reading!


  1. foarte interesanta tehnica. La fel, cere muuult timp, care mie imi cam lipseste.

    1. Mie mi-a luat cam o ora, dar se putea si mai repede, daca folosesti acrilice :)

  2. It looks fantastic! :D I think it's called a Pond manicure..! Love it!

    1. Thanks! I thought that was only the title she put ^^

  3. Great idea!! Love your mani very much!!!

  4. Foarte frumoasă manichiura ! Îmi place tare mult ^_^

  5. Wooow, arata genial!!!
    Imi place tare mult :X

  6. I really like these, they're so pretty =)

  7. Arata superb si varianta ta! <3 <3 <3

  8. sunt superbe <3 cred ca iti copiez si eu modelul :D

  9. SO PRETTY!! You did such a fantastic job!! :)

  10. Oh this is so pretty! I love the little flowers :)

  11. I love it Roxy! It has such a great depth and I definitely would love to try something similar one day!

  12. The result is gorgeous! <3

  13. These are awesome! Those little flowers are so cute!


Thank you for your comment and support! Just know, you've put a smile on my face ^_^
If you have any questions, suggestions or even some constructive criticism I would be happy to hear you out, here, or more privately through the contact section.
Have a lovely day!